Elegance of Summer

Elegance of Summer
Item# dv0029

Product Description

The brilliantly clear yellow self (RHS 5D) of Elegance of Summer shines across the garden like a beacon! It’s full, generous blossoms are 7” in diameter, and they are displayed regally on 36” to 42” high scapes. The minimum bud count is 16 per scape, and it has three-way branching.

The pure, glowing yellow petals are gently set off by a bright white midrib. There is a slight ruffle to each petal that carries a slightly darker yellow wire (RHS 7A). The overall blossom shape is round-to-somewhat-triangular, frequently having one noticeably longer petal. The sepals are two-thirds the width of the petals.

In the very base of it’s throat, this beauty is touched with a rich shade of green (RHS143B) which blends quickly upward into a medium gold-yellow ring of color (RHS7B) – which then rises up onto the first third of each petal, and continues outward in a thin line on either side of the white midrib.

The sturdy foliage is plentiful, and a rich, medium green (RHS 141A). It is consistently strong and highly streak resistant.

Elegance of Summer blooms in mid-to-late season in East Central Illinois - for most of July and into August. It is easily fertile both ways, serving readily as a pollen parent and a pod parent. It becomes fully dormant in Winter.

Ron created Elegance of Summer, seedling 97-54-8X (2), in 1997 by crossing English Cameo with Scottish Fantasy.

This hybrid is significantly sturdy, with blossoms remaining surface-reflective and physically firm all day, with no color fade or edge wilt seen in 100-degree, direct sun, with 80% humidity. From opening until dusk, this plant provides superior garden value.